I have a pedometer….. and I love it!

So my company started a competition last Thursday that involves 7,000 coworkers (1,000 teams w/ 7 ppl per team) and we’re each given a pedometer and told to track our steps on a website for the next 3 months.  Whichever teams has the most steps wins.  Since I’m super competitive with myself I’m going to make sure I get a good amount of steps in a day, at least 10,000.  No excuses!

And so far this pedometer has been great!  Not only has it forced me to workout when I really didn’t want to (aka I was really hung-over one day and just wanted to die in bed) but it’s also had me get out and enjoy the weather every day.  The last week has involved walks along Mayflower beach:

a 7 mile run around Castle Island:

2 loops around Breakheart Reservation and also a power-walk around the lake in Wakefield:

Most the these activities wouldn’t have happened if I didn’t need to add extra steps to my day.  Do you realize I only walk about 2,500 steps in a typical day?!  In order to reach the recommended amount/my goal of 10,000 steps I have to really go out and try.  So each day has involved an extra walk/jog at the end of my day.

Btw, another great thing about power-walking is that it goes hand-in-hand with grabbing drinks. 🙂 

Tonight Mike and I power-walked the 3+ mile lake and then wondered over to the nearby restaurant, Bellino’s for a cocktail on the patio.  

Thanks to this walk and a run earlier this morning, I ended up with 15,526 steps today.  A good start but not enough to win the competition.  Gotta step it up!

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Do you wear a pedometer?  Or have you ever worn one? 

Do you notice an increase in the amount you workout?

Juice cleanse results and a run through Breakheart.

Where do I start with this juice cleanse?  I guess I could get right to it; I didn’t finish the 2 day cleanse.  I made it through 1 1/2 days and then gave in to my food and coffee cravings.  But hey, at least I tried right?

So here’s a quick breakdown of the Skinny Limits cleanse:


  • The juice was delicious!  Even the green juice was so much better than my last cleanse (PS I completed the 2-day cleanse last time!  Just in case you forgot ;))
  • The cleanse was cheaper than most other ones.  It was $98 for 2 days plus around $30 for overnight shipping.  Other cleanses are about $50 more.
  • I had a great nights sleep without the help of melatonin!  Maybe it’s because I didn’t consume any coffee?  But I slept like a baby which never ever happens….
  • Even though I didn’t last the full 2 days I still felt way less bloated and I really do feel healthier!  Plus, after drinking just juice it makes you question what you want to put in your body.  Instead of eating crap I opted for healthy foods today.  I had tofu and steamed veggies for lunch and salmon and veggies for dinner.


  • I was HUNGRYYYY!  I don’t know how people say they aren’t hungry during a cleanse (I truly think they’re lying… ) but I was hungry and constantly thinking about food.  And a hungry Julie is never good.
  • They sent me the wrong juice!  I ordered the “juice cleanse variety pack” and was sent the “standard juice cleanse”.  I think I’ll call and ask about this…

In conclusion, I’m A-OK with the decision to not finish the cleanse.  Yeah it sucks I paid for 2 days and didn’t have the will power to stick with it but I still benefited in the fact that I a) feel better and b) want to continue making smarter food choices and incorporate more fruits and veggies into my diet. 🙂

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Since I didn’t stick with the cleanse, I had more than enough energy to go for a run this afternoon.  Mike and I ventured down the street to Breakheart Reservation and ran the 3 mile loop through the woods.

And it was awesome! I still can’t believe such a pretty, woodsy place is 1 mile from my house!?

I bet you’ll be seeing a lot more pic’s of this place on the blog.

Alrighty, time to log off and watch Greys…..  Have a good night, everyone!!

Half of Quincy!

Happy Cinco De Mayo!!!

I started this wonderful holiday off by running the “Half of Quincy” with my friend, Crystal.  Since we both hadn’t trained for the race it was sooooo tempting to skip it and head to the bar instead (yes, the bar at 8am is always an option ;)).  But we sucked it up and ran.

We started the race together and ran a comfortable 8:45ish pace for the first 5 miles.  My body felt great so I picked up my pace and pushed it for the next 8 miles.  I took an energy gu around mile 8, had some twizzlers and jelly beans around miles 10-11(courtesy of the lovely spectators) and had plenty of energy to finish the race strong with a time of 1:48 (8:20/ mile).  My goal was to run around 1:55 so I’m happy with my time.  It’s def not a PR but I’ll run another half this Fall and work on my PR.

After the race, we headed to a local dive bar for some corona lights and to celebrate a pretty decent race.

Do you know what made the race a lot better/easier?  Well, besides the perfect running weather?

I kept thinking about the article Beyond The Mantra and changed every negative thought that crossed my mind into a POSITIVE ONE (My legs aren’t heavy and tired.  They feel awesome!  I could run all day!! etc.) 

I’m telling you guys, it really worked.  You have to try it!

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How was your weekend?

Did you run a race?  How’d you do?

What’s the weather like where you are?

-It’s 60’s and sunny in Boston 🙂